
My Work Is Progressing Well!

I’ve been doing some more work on the Covid-19 related anthology I’ve been editing since around the middle of last year. I’d put out the word that I was accepting submissions, and in they came, poetry and prose, serious, silly, and in between, many excellent works that I had to consider and fins a place for inside a book.

This book to be is coming along amazingly well, there is a shape to it, fine words written in the beginning, letting potential readers know more about what was in the ‘meat’ of the book, and giving further thought about this whole crazy Covid time.

There will be a terrific front cover (I’ve seen an early version, and I love it already). and the back cover is looking good too. There are writer’s bios from all of the contributors (just waiting on one more), and the strength of the various pieces just blows me away with the sheer quality and variety of what has been submitted!

People have been so kind to me regarding this project, and so I am extra keen to make it a fantastic book to own, and to share with others. This will be a piece of history, showing the ridiculous, the frightening, the serious, and the intelligent thoughts that have come to people’s minds regarding Covid-19, and the lives we have had to live because of it, and the government’s, and our reactions to it.

This anthology is planned to be launched during the Gawler & Adelaide Plains Festival of Words (Recovery) 2021. This is the sixth Festival put on by my writing group, Adelaide Plains Poets, and it is hoped it will be a great Festival, after the sad little Festival we were reduced to for 2020, when Covid was closing down everything, and we only had a tiny window to present tiny snippets of what we’d planned to put on.

So the Festival subcommittee has done a great job, things are coming along well, and there will be a slot for this wonderful book to be launched, with as many contributors as possible present to get their own copy of the book they, their thoughts, and their words are a part of. History about how this truly was, what we were thinking about, and how we were getting on with own scaled back lives, as best we could.

I thank all of the people who have been working on this project with me, from my writing group members, to my family, and to the wonderful contributors, and others, you’ve been great, all getting together to make something good, from something terrible. People getting together and working to make something awesome happen, I thank you all, and I say, come along to the Launch, the venue, day and time will be announced soon.

I hope you’ll be able to come along, and get yourself your own copy of Plague Invasion!