
Choosing Which Writing Project To Do

The difficulty I currently have is to choose which of the few different writing projects to work on is a fine thing, as far as problems go. I have a variety of ideas for new books, some of which emerged but were forgotten, others are in the earliest stages, which not much happening as yet. And there is another one, that I would love to have happen, but not sure on my abilities to actually get it done …

And so, with this ’embarrassment of riches’, I need to find a useful way to decide on the hows and whens of getting the relevant writing done. There is one project with the book already written, and accepted by a publisher. I just have to wait for them to do the necessary work on that one, nothing more for me to do until the book is available, around the middle of 2022.

Then there is a non fiction book I’ve blogged about a couple of years ago, but I’d totally forgotten about it, and don’t know at all what it was about, except for what I’d written in the blog post. So it was non fiction, and other writers had in some way or ways been the prompt for it, whatever ‘it’ was. I suspect I’d be wise to just step away from thinking about that one, until, or unless I can remember more about it.

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

There’s a children’s picture book idea, that I’ve written a little bit about elsewhere, and I truly hope I can do more about this idea, when the time feel right for it. At the moment, I have a title (having a title is usually important for me, to get my ‘back-brain’ working). So there are ideas for illustrations, which are actually going to be photographs, I hope. I’ve written notes, as I said, and if I can set aside time to work more on the words the book will need, that will help hugely.

But now doesn’t feel like the time for that … When will be the time, I wonder? Once things are cooler outside? It’s Summer, it’s hot, and I don’t feel like wondering around the place outside, taking photographs with my phone camera. Things seem too ‘glarey’. This book is going to be written in rhyme, and in those notes, from memory, I indicated the rhyming format, so that’s on the way to being organised. I just have to write it, then get the pics to go with it. Simple. But not yet …

But the thing I’ve put the most work into, is going to be my biggest personal writing thing for this year. And it’s a thing I won’t be doing all by myself. This one is going to be an anthology, based on the words that make up the title. I’ve published an anthology previously, last year in fact, and the title of that anthology, “Plague Invasion” hit me in the head, and I had an overwhelming feeling that this was a thing I must do. So that is what I spent a large part of 2020 and half of 2021 doing. Putting out the call for submissions, gathering the other needed bits and pieces, and then going about the business of having the book printed.

I didn’t get that hit in the head for the anthology title this time, and don’t have the same sense of compulsion, but once I’d made the decision on subject matter, and then title for this book, I felt a settled feeling of ‘Yes, that’s what I’m going to do.’ So I decided what I’d do late last year, and mentioned it to a few other writing colleagues, to make my mind firmer on the project, and a few days ago, on this blog, I put out the submission details.

If you wish to know more, this is where you can read more about it. I know what I want, but not specifically and exactly what. I’m hoping that, as with the previous call for submissions, where I trusted I would receive just the perfect things, I’d receive works that I could put together and achieve that marvellous thing, where the some of the parts come together to create a bigger and better whole!

The anthology will have three things “Climate, Change, and Climate Change”, and that is in fact the title of the anthology. Those wishing to submit work will write about some or all of those things, either as prose, or poetry.

So this anthology is going to be my biggest writing project for the beginning of 2022, and after it is launched, the work of marketing happens. Never my best point, but so be it. I will learn how to do that better, as I do this more and more. I hope so anyway! You learn by doing, that’s what they say, isn’t it?

And once the anthology is well under way, with Summer over, and my favourite month of Autumn, with cooler weather, photographs for that picture book can happen, and i can work on the text for that book, and for the needed setting out of the ideas onto an order that works best. That is the kind of work that can fit in between doing other things, and so that one will slowly come together, and who knows, perhaps that one can be the book I hve published in 2023!

And of course there is the book I’ve been working on for what feels like forever, still hanging around, with tiny extra bits added to the novel, when a given writing prompt from my writing group gives me an idea that could fit in to the plot. I had planned to try to become a noted writer of cosy murder mystery books, and make a fortune, but at the rate I’m going I may never even get this first one finished, let alone published.

I am having fun with it though, and that’s important isn’t it? I think so. Having a good time with your writing is the thing that will keep you coming back to it, the thing that keeps your bum on the seat as you write or type your way to better writing! The more you write, the better your writing can get.

So there you are, my year of writing set out, with rest breaks and ideas, and you never know, another idea could come along and bump all the rest off the table, and go on to be the best seller I’ve dreamed of one day writing!


Life, An Ongoing Writing Prompt

Being a writer can be a strange thing, and one of the strangest parts is the division in times needed to be the best writer you can be. You need time to write, for sure, but you need time to live a life that gives you deeper understanding of what life is all about, so you can bring that into what you write.

I spend a lot of my time watching life, the life of the creatures and plants in my life, particularly the birds, which always seem to be so busy, doing things. Sparrows, Starlings, but also Swallows, and various native birds that come from around the Adelaide Plains Council region where I live.

My current major work in progress is a novel, set in a town I made up, but very much based on the closest town to where I live. This made up town is ‘Talloola’ and this novel will be the first in my ‘At Talloola’ series of Cosy Murder Mysteries. So the more I now about the town near to me, the more ideas I can find to go in this first novel, and then the countless others to follow (I hope).

every crevice has a story …

But living my life interferes with the time I put into the writing of that novel, and at the moment it feels more like a novel “not in progress”. Ah well, I’ll have a few free hours later on today, and there’s no telling how many more words I may add to the word count, by the time those hours are over.

And then after that, I have my weekly writing group meeting, when the writing prompts, for the writing down while there, and then the homework, to present next week, will inspire some more writing of the novel (I hope)!

And of course, writers, if they have published books, especially if their books are self-published, have to take on the role of marketing and selling their books. And some of my books are in that category, so I’m always aware of the need to look for potential book buyers. At the moment, I’m looking at beginning some of these kinds of activities, and am hoping to get that started next week.

I have a support worker, paid for by the NDIS, to assist me once a fortnight, with ‘things’. So Tash will be helping me by carrying my books for possible purchase, and other bits and pieces, in relation to giving talks and workshops in various places, such as Retirement villages, libraries and anywhere else that seems a useful place to go and do my thing.

I enjoy speaking to people, one to one, or to a group, no problems at all, it’s something that gees me up and makes me happy to do it. Connecting with others, that’s why people become writers, I feel, at least some of them, if not all. Using words to impart wisdom, or ideas, entertaining people, being with others, all good things, learning about how people do the things they do, these are all things to bring into your own writing at times.

So yes, life is indeed an ongoing writing prompt, and I will go on living my life in the best ways I can, looking and learning, enjoying together times, and the by myself writing times too.

covid 19

Step By Step, Inch By Inch …

When you have the time, no looming deadline, you can afford to allow things to move along slowly, with the idea that they will move smoothly, and well. That’s how things are travelling along at the moment for my, with the Covid-19 focused anthology I’m putting together in the final stages, before I send a copy to an interested publisher, and then to talk to them about how we can possibly work together to make this book a best seller!

I need interested people to tell me exactly how interested they are is seeing this big idea of mine turn into an even bigger idea, and then an actual book, with nearly 120 pages! And that’s just at the moment, that page number. I’m still waiting on two, no make that three things that are definitely on the way, and another page that is a maybe.

And there are probably one or two more things right now in my email inbox, waiting for my to look at and decide on. Putting together an anthology like this (a phrase I love, big idea, idea grows even bigger, other people get excited, and join in, and then an editor of a publishing house I know and admire gets involved too, and BANG, this is potentially huge!


I’m back again, and yes, there was an interesting email there, which has given me two great poems, and an idea for a possible new work role … I’ll talk about it in another post soonish. Maybe tomorrow, maybe Monday or Tuesday. It seems to be a role I’m quite good at …

So the foreword is written and will be sent to me soon, there are more things, as I said, on the way, and who knows what tomorrow may show, when I log in to my email inbox tomorrow!

Life is going well, for me, but I’m intensely away of how it’s going badly, terrible badly, for others. So stay safe, friends, and stay as well as you possibly can.

inspiration, New Ideas, Writing, writing prompts

Thoughts? Or Writing Ideas?

Promises are dreams whose time is yet to arrive.

If it is said, that doesn’t mean it can be done. Or does it?

Celebrations – a person is born, another person dies.

Cloudy skies may bring rain, rain brings life to plants, and death too, to some.

If all dreams came true, that would create a crazy mixed up life wound up with paradoxes.

One hair. It can mean and do so many things. How many can you think of?

Flowers, beautiful, yes? But in picking them, we hasten their death.

A hound running free is a beautiful sight. Unless it’s your dog, and it’s supposed to be inside.

So many great inventions can lead to death of the user. Why don’t we ban inventions?

Should dumb people be required to be treated with extra kindness, or laughed at?

If you found that previous one offensive, write about the reason/s why.

How many items in the image can you name?

If you can name them, what would you do with them, in a piece of writing?


I came up with this semi-random set of writing prompts today, and if I ever run out of things to write about, I know I can look at this list, and there will be something to write about. Surely if I can do this in about half an hour, which includes the time it took to prepare my lunch of bits and pieces that are in that bowl, then I can always finbd things to write about.

If I can do this, can you do it too? How do you find things to write about? Do you struggle with that idea, or is it easy? I’d love to know your answer to the question, please leave your answer in the comments!

covid 19, New Ideas

Scrabbling for Comments

Hmm, I was expecting, or at least hoping, to have gained some kind of response from others, in relation to my previous blog post. I know, or at least thought, that Scrabble is a game much loved by wordsmiths … I certainly enjoy playing Scrabble, with its focus on words, placed strategically, surely those are skills of writers!

A large vocabulary is a benefit to both writers and Scrabble players. But knowing words, without having the strategic smarts to place them for maximum scoring options, or having the misfortune to just get useless letters, can lead to bad/losing scores in games, as I well know.

Anyway, even though I posted a poem, with zero responses to it, that won’t stop me writing poetry. I am my first reader of my won poetry, and I am the reader I must satisfy first, before my poems go any further.

And I enjoy writing blog posts too, and having one or two, or ten or twelve readers (or more) of my blog posts is a satisfying thing. I read of bloggers with thousands of readers, and followers, but if I am able to connect, fully connect with few others, I am happy those followers are people of quality, who are, or become my friends, whether or not we will ever actually connect in real life.

I have various fun ways to get my words ‘out there’ another favourite of mine is in being Editor of the Mallala Crossroad Chronicle, the monthly newsletter I put together then have printed, and then pick up and distribute around Mallala and beyond. I also put it up online on Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/40710

And of course, I’m still putting together the “Plague Invasion” anthology, and I’m thrilled with the quality of works I’ve received in response to my request for submissions. See more about that here: https://wordpress.com/block-editor/post/carolyncordonwriter.wordpress.com/2018