writing prompts

Fab Feb Writing Prompts – Day Six

It’s an important word, ‘After’. After what? Afterwards, after dinner, after school is over, after you’ve left that job you hate, or been sacked from one you loved, after the divorce. 

Today’s writing primpt is that word –      After

There are so many things in life that come along after … After you think about this new word prompt, I hope you’ll find some great ideas to write about! After this, that and the other …

After I realise I said something stupid, that can be an embarrassing thing, but sometimes looking at it and treating it with humour can halt the afterburn! Afterthoughts, oh the wisdom of our afterthoughts …

Further thoughts on what happens after – after the kids start school, move out of home, find someone they love, get married, have children. What about after we die – what happes then, and what will happen to us after we age and become frail …

Some of these things are good, some are not so good, some can be terrible. But they’re all good things to think further on, and to write about. How about thinking about after the operation, after you move home, move to the country, or to the city? 

Big things might happen after … or maybe things stop happening after, and how might that feel? 

So that’s today’s writing prompt, AFTER!

domestic abuse

Sins of the Father

The Bible is a tricky thing, with ideas

going first one way, and then another,

but Molly felt deep the sins of her father

visited upon her, a child, who dared, once

to smile in his presence, and then no more.


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This is Molly, who dared once, and learned

a smile is seen as a challenge, to the guilty one,

and a challenge not put down, may rise again.

Molly’s sin of smiling was small, compared

to the sins of her father, but he won, and she lost.


He won, over his daughter’s sense of her own self.

She lost trust, and faith in the idea of her worth.

Molly lost her mother, her father, and her virginity.

She lost, if she ever even had, parental love,

and lost her smile, slapped from her face. Forever?


Will Molly, can Molly, ever find her smile again?

Will anything in her life, ever again seem something

to be smiled at, even carefully? Or, as with chasteness,

is a lost smile something, never to get back again,

and so Molly remain forever damaged, broken?



Molly, oh Molly please seek help, there are resources out there to help you, and others like you. Domestic abuse, domestic violence, sexual abuse, child abuse, child sexual abuse, these are crimes, and the perpetrators should be charged and dealt with via the court system. No-one adult of child, should feel unsafe in their own home.