
The Value of Words

So, at this particular time in history, we are on the cusp of changing the President of the United States of America. Whatever and whoever you would prefer to have as the actual President come 2021, we have witnessed many words, some false, some true, so spoken with a boasters bluff, some with a humble hope and strength in belief.

I am not a religious person, but when listening to the first speech of President Elect Joe Biden, I was impressed by his words, the way he calmly, but strongly put forward his hopes for all of the people of the United States of America, and for the better future for the whole world. No bragging, just a calm strength of purpose.

If I were to model my own possible life as a public speaker, I would watch this speech, time and time again. If I were able to give my words in such a strong and hopeful way, no rubbish, just truth and hope for better things to some. No bragging about myself, only truth of who I am and what I have done. Not false words on what I will do, if I can’t do it, but words of hope for bigger and better things that may be possible, if I were able to inspire better things for the future.

I can do this!

True words, strong words, hope and care. Can I be that person, to do this? I believe I can, and I know I can and will write and speak words that touch others, I’ve done it before, I can do it again, if and when the moment and inspiration both come, and my chance to speak has come. I can be that person.

I value words, and I am committed to producing words of value, because the words deserve that from all of us, who call ourselves wordsmiths. The words deserve our very best work!