
Lockdown, Stay At Home, Don’t Touch!

Oh this horrid Coronavirus, what trouble you are causing us here in Australia. We currently have over half of the population in lockdown, in the hope of containing, and so eliminating this terrible Delta strainof the virus that has been such a bad thing for so many of us.

Our politicians are trying to help us all keep safe, and keep industry going too, in their own (sometimes odd and not very helpful) ways. I say people before profit, and feel a government might want to go that way to, at least a democratic government, and we are supposed to have in Australia, but sometimes I wonder about what it is we currently have …

But anyway, I’m fine, currently staying home, consuming too many calories, not doing enough exercise, and showing the result of that on the bathroom scales … I’ve been weighing myself every day first thing in the morning, and the results have been interesting. I can’t hide anything from those scales! I can’t remember why I got started on that, but I’ll keep it up, maybe I’ll remember the reason for it.

I can use the information I record, in a variety of ways – in a book to come, fiction or non fiction, or as a reminder that weight loss can happen, if and when I obey the rules – fewer calories and more exercise, equals weight loss! (I’ve been recording any what I call ‘extra steps’ too, when and if they happen. Extra steps is when I switch on the pedometer on my phone and go for a walk for exercise).

My state, South Australia is currently in lockdown, and so I have to stay at home, except for medical things, and getting necessary items from the shop. This means the Festival my writing group had organised has had to be cancelled, including the launch of my new book, Plague Invasion, an anthology of poetry and prose creative writing on the subject of Covid-19, the thing that has halted the planned book launch, How Ironic!

Author’s feet and photograph

This time of having to be in lockdown is messing with my head, and I feel discombabulated. It could have been a great time to get a lot of my current work in progress written. It’s a cosy murder mystery, and I’m about a third of the way through, but my head just doesn’t want to settle down and think about that … I have an online writing group meeting later this afternoon though, and I often use the writing prompts we’re given at that group, to write a little more of that novel, so we’ll see what happens …

The group usually meets every Thursday, at a hotel in Gawler, the Prince Albert Hotel. But they aren’t open for such things now. They’re still selling food and drinks too, I suppose, but only as takeaway, no sitting down to eat, not until this current 7 day lockdown is over, next week. Strange times, as I posted on my Facebook page this morning, these are strange days for sure …

But I’m here, I’m well, no-one I know has caught Covid, and I hope things stay that way, this seems to be a horrible disease, with long lasting effects we are only beginning to learn about. I’d love to know how things are for other people, particularly those in other places, in other states, or overseas!

Please leave a comment! Pretty please!


A Lockdown, Perfect!

Well, a writer lockdown with writer friends is always a time when good writing has happened in the past, for me. We meet up at our favourite hotel, and all write more of our chosen work, perfect!

Plants as inspiration?

I’m writing a novel at the moment, well that’s the idea anyway. But to be honest, I’m doing a lot more thinking about writing this novel, than actually writing it. If I was at a writer lockdown, I’d be inspired by the others, and get more of that novel written, I think.

But this is not a writer related lockdown, it’s a six day lockdown for all of South Australia, to hopefully halt the spread of the Covid virus. This is a totally different thing. But a lockdown is a lockdown, and if I have to spend six days at home, what to do? Well, I can swap that around and actually spend the six days of Covid lockdown that the government has brought on, and do my best to use those six days actually writing this novel!

I can’t go out anywhere much, and my writing group venue will be closed, and even though the group will be holding an online meeting, I won’t have to spend that time in travel, to get there and back. So I tell myself, Hey, get writing Carolyn! I know my main character, and various other characters in that novel would like a bit of action happening. It must be boring for them, stuck inside my head …

So that’s what I’m going to do, I’m going to do my best to use these six days of lockdown, and I’m going to write more of my novel! There, done – and tomorrow, I will do my best to spend at least a couple of hours writing more of the novel, and increase my word count further!