
Getting The Writing Moving Again

What helps the writer of a novel? Many things, of course. The appropriate tools, enough time, inspiration … And sometimes, a person who is there, for real or online, demanding to see some of your new words from your current novel-in-progress.

I’ve had the tools, and time, and lots of inspiration too, for the writing of my current work, a Cosy Murder Mystery, the first in what I hope will become a series of such books, all with the same main character, and secondary characters, all set in a town I’ve made up, the country town of Talloola.

The Talloola Hotel?

The writing of this first book began well enough, I worked on creating the town, and the community of people who would help (or hinder) Meredith, my main character. It was firmly in my head that I would write this book, then the next, followed by the one after that, and it would be my main writing task for possibly the rest of my life.

But then the words dwindled, life got in the way, or I let life supplant the importance of the novel, and though I was writing some small bits of writing, it wasn’t leading to anything in terms of adding to the story line … It felt like my role as a Cosy Murder Mystery writer was as dead as a … murder victim.

But fortunately, along came Covid lockdown, and Michelle, a member of my writing group, who challenged me to send her 200 words of my novel for the six day Covid Lockdown South Australia was subjected to. So, with that challenge give, which I accepted, the words have been flowing, and with those initial 200 words increased to 250 words, the novel word count is climbing nicely, very nicely!

So I would definitely recommend this procedure, if you too are having troubles with committing to getting your writing moving. I needed it for writing this novel, others might be having troubles with a poetry collection, or a non fiction book. Having to send new work to someone means having to write the new words your project needs.

So many thanks to Michelle, you are awesome. You’ll get a free copy of this book once it’s printed, for sure!

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