
November will be Novel month

I’ve been playing at the idea of being an actual novelist, writing little bits and pieces for this ‘novel’ I’m supposed to be writing. But there’s been more playing at it than actually putting in strong work at actually writing this novel. I’m not happy about that, so have decided November will be the month for me to put my shoulder to the grindstone, and really give it a solid chunk of this novel written.

This ‘novel’ “Winds of Death At Talloola” is to be the first in a series of Cosy Murder Mystery novels, all based in/or around the town of Talloola. Talloola is a town I’m created for this novel series, and while I love this town and the people living in it, the actual writing of the first novel is taking its sweet time to get going.

My laptop keyboard looks different this one, but both are capable of assisting in writing a novel!

But I’ve decided today, that in November, I am going to make sure my novel progresses at a fast rate than it has been, and to make sure that happens I will post my word count in a comment on this post every day if it is at all possible to do that. And barring unconsciousness, it should be possible!

So, I hereby declare November to be the month the first in the series of “At Talloola” books gets much closer to the end of the novel than it is to the beginning. At the moment, with a word count of around 20,000 words, I am around 30,000 words away from an acceptable word count. This novel should be around 80,000 words by the time I type ‘The End’.

I did a tiny bit of maths, and it looks like I need to do an average of around 1,000 words a day to get to where I want to be, and I’m sure I’m able to do that. I just need to sit down and write, a something, no matter how small, every day, and put in some bigger sessions if and when I can. If I sit down where I’m sitting right now, at least once a day, which I do, every single day, then I can meet this commitment!

Yes, for me, November is definitely Novel month, and it is also, coincidentally (or not) NaNoWriMo where in November, many people around the world commit to writing a novel (of at least 50,000 words) in the month of November. So if they can all do that, I can meet my own challenge too!