
Taking Baby Steps

OK, I am a published poet, and have published other books too, as well as short stories publishing in various ways in various places. And I am currently (sort of) writing a novel. This novel is in the Cosy Murder Mystery genre.

I have a setting, and I have some characters. I have book titles for future books, and I have written 20,000 words of the first book in a possible series of books, the “At Talloola” series with sleuth Meredith Webster. But what I don’t have yet, is the fire to get this first book finished.

I have an idea though, and that idea, is to keep on looking at the place and people I have set up, and to explore their world further, though short pieces, short stories, and perhaps some vignettes showing some of the citizens of Talloola going about their lives.

If I can do this, and post pieces to this website here, and perhaps I can build up even more people who are wanting me to get on with that first book, and a combination of guilt from me at my slow movement with the book, and gentle nudges from my keen possible readers, will be enough to make me get on with it.

I have a short story partly written, and will post it here, on this blog soon, to see what response it gets. So keep an eye out for it, I hope to be able to post tomorrow!