inspiration, New Ideas, writing exercise, writing prompts

Scrabble Inspiration

Today’s Scrabble game 20 June 2020

My husband (Graham) and I have been playing Scrabble every day or so lately, and while we had almost finished the game in the photo, I had an idea. I often have ideas, some of them big ones, others not so big. Some fun things, some serious ones.

Anyway, I was looking at the various words on the Scrabble board, and thought about what an interesting mix of words we had there. That thought led to the almost inevitable idea of, why don’t I do something with that random mix of words, something fun, for me, and for my writing friends. My writing group and the radio station I’m involved with, have fun with five word challenges, to come up with a winning piece of writing, to win a bottle of wine (for the writing group) or to simply have your words read by someone involved with the PBA FM ‘Words Out Loud’ radio program.

Anyway, my idea is this –

Look at the Scrabble Board, and write something, using as many of these words as possible (perhaps aim at having at least twelve of the words in your piece of writing). Poetry or Prose, Sensible or Silly, Fact or Fiction, go for it! If you write something that leads to an award winning story, or film, please remember where the initial idea came from, and mention my name!

With the blank tiles, one of them is simple – it is a ‘u’ (aqua) and the other is not so simple, it is an ‘e’. You can use the words as they are on the board, or with ‘s’ or ‘ing’ added or removed if you wish , but perhaps no other changes that can’t have been actual words possibly scored for this game. There are a number of ways you may wish to go with this idea. Perhaps you might try writing a piece using only words that are on the board (a very, very short piece of flash fiction). Or you may wish to write something using words from the Scrabble board, but other words as needed, as well. Up to you, of course!

If you enjoy this little writing exercise, please let me know, and I may do it all again, after another game. Graham and I know lots of words, about many, many different things. Some of the words may have been new to one or other of us, and learning new words is always a good thing to come from a good and interesting game of Scrabble!

I’m not saying who won this game, but as far as I can see, on looking back at the scores we have, this game had the highest score for one of the two players, so far. Scrabble is a fun game, and really rewards players who are readers, and who have a wide range of subjects they read about.

I’m going to write a very short piece, using other words as well, and post it in the comments. You might wish to do the same, up to you.


I ended up with a poem, not a story, but it’s very much a story poem, a narrative poem, scaled right back … I’ve put the poem in the comments section.

1 thought on “Scrabble Inspiration”

  1. This is my poem, from the Scrabble Game inspiration:

    My first Scrabble Inspiration story/poem

    Hurry Up & Slow Down …

    Running late, zoom home
    hot and sweaty, aqua revival,
    strip off, bathe stress away.
    Realise leg hairs need a trim
    begin that vexing task.
    If only my brain could cease
    unwanted growth … Oh no,
    too rushed, bleeding ensues –
    did I hit a vein? Mop it all up,
    sobbing, will they wait?
    Band aids, bleeding halted
    wearing jeans to cover up.
    Arrive for my paid job –
    ready for anything, teary
    no more. I’m a girl who needs
    the fee. Sport instructors
    in Covid times? Life feels
    like I’m wrestling an eel …
    Daily wending my way
    through my various options,
    hoping, wishing … I’ll heft
    my burden, carting my
    responsibilities from job
    to job to job, looking the part,
    never knowing if my next gig
    might bring a viral distraction
    compliments of Covid-19 …


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