
Fab Feb Writing Prompts – Day Four

After yesterday’s writing prompt phrase, today we’re back to a single word as the prompt. It was interesting to hear from one of the writers here, indicating they prefer a phrase as a writing prompt, so I’m glad to have other phrases in the mix for the month, a single word, a phrase, an image perhaps, or something.

My own personal opinion about this is that it depends on how I’m feeling, what I’ve been doing, what’s been top of the list of things going on in my world, or in the word of media. Sometimes a random prompt just chimes in my head, and words flow out easily.

Other times, the writing prompt falls flat, no chimes bringing on words, but further thought, and just starting to write something, anything, can get the flow going, and once you’ve finished, you realise you actually had plenty to say about the prompt. The mind is an amazing thing, and we all have much inside our heads, that we may not even realise is there.


I wonder what deep and meaningful thoughts are inside Missy’s canine brain?


What do you think about writing prompts? I’d love to hear about it, please leave a message, after you read what today’s message is. As I wrote in the first paragraph, today’s writing prompt is a single word, and it could mean a great many things to us all, I’m sure.

And here it is, the writing prompt for this fourth day of writing prompts for February is:


*               NEXT             *

as is, ‘what’ll they think of next?’ ‘you’re next’ ‘next in line’ and so on!


have fun, and I look forward to hearing form you if you have anything to say about this Fabulous month of writing prompts!

2 thoughts on “Fab Feb Writing Prompts – Day Four”

  1. I would love to read what other writers are doing with these prompts!
    My effort for today-

    Next Week, Next Year

    Not now,
    Next week, next year,
    The barrier to doing it is fear.

    Deep breath,
    Pick up the phone,
    Plan my statement as I hear dial tone.


    1. I love the way you’ve used rhyme in this clever poem, Marie, well done!

      I haven’t written my response to this prompt yet, but my brain is quietly searching for rhymes to ‘Next’. I’m a little disturbed at some of what my brain has found, so not sure I’ll use rhyming poetry for this one. But I thought of the word ‘vexed’, so maybe I could write something that is a little disturbing after all, and mention how I feel about what I’ve written? Not sure. It requires some further thought, I reckon …


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