writing prompts

Fab Feb Writing Prompts – Day Three

Things are coming along well, with this writing prompt month, words are being written, some good some maybe not so good, but it doesn’t matter, does it, because as long as they’re written, they can be edited and made better!

I’m keeping up, and writing my own new poems too, and hoping for the words keep on happening, both mine and those of others.

For the challenge today, there’s something a little bit different, it will be a phrase, rather than a single word, I don’t know how that is going to go, but the only way to find out is to try it, is it?

I’m accustomed to responding with creative words, or to phrases – our writing group does that every week, for the writing exercise we do on the day, or for homework, or both. So I hope you will give it a go, read the given writing prompt, and respond with creative writing!

I don’t have anything written in response to this prompt yet, but you can be sure I’ll definitely be writing something for it later on in the day … I have an appointment, and maybe it the wait goes on for a while, I’ll have my chance to get it written! Waiting acround for something, is never a bad thing, when you have some writing you want to do!


So enough of the idle chit chat, time for the prompt for this third day of the Fabulous February Writing Prompt challenge, and here it is:

                                   Maybe I will, or maybe not …


Have fun, and let me know how you feel about this, rather than a single word, if you have an opinion about it, one way or the other …

4 thoughts on “Fab Feb Writing Prompts – Day Three”

  1. I would like more of this type of phrase prompt. My first draft of a little bit of rhyme –

    Maybe I Will, Or Maybe Not

    New year’s resolution,
    Decision made, then a change of heart,
    Or perhaps lack of will power,
    Something caused that false start,
    Maybe I will try again,
    On the other hand, maybe not,
    Resolutions are so easily broken,
    No matter what.


    1. I’ve written a poem too, based on this prompt. A first draft as this stage, but here it is, it may end up in my next poetry collection, in a further draft version, and I’m happy about that!


    1. That’s great, I’d love to read your response – if you like what you wrote, and put it on your own blog, why not put a link here in my comments, and we can all go along and have a look!


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